287 research outputs found

    Assessing the see-and-treat approach for the management of high-grade squamous intraepithelial cervical lesions

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    Objectives: To assess local histological outcomes in patients with HSIL cytology results on cervical smears, in both the see-and-treat and three-step approach. Study Design: A retrospective analysis of patients with HSIL on cervical cytology was performed, obtaining an 83 patient cohort. The histological result following the primary investigation (colposcopic-directed biopsy or excisional procedure) was noted for each patient together with their demographic variables and HPV status. Results: Of 83 patients with HSIL cytology on cervical smear, 43 underwent LLETZ as a primary procedure, while 40 patients underwent a colposcopic-directed biopsy. There was no statistically significant difference in terms of dermographics and HPV status between the two groups. In those patients who had LLETZ as a primary procedure, 29 had CIN2+ on histology. On the other hand, following colposcopic-directed biopsies, 17 resulted in CIN2+ on histology. Conclusion: The conventional approach within our local setting potentially has inferior sensitivity in picking up CIN2+ lesions when compared to the see-and-treat approach. On the other hand, primary excisional procedures were associated with an overtreatment rate of at least 20.9%, subjecting patients to unnecessary risks. Local improvement of colposcopic skill will aid to reduce this overtreatment rate and missed lesions at biopsy.peer-reviewe

    Analisis Daya Saing dan Faktor Penentu Ekspor Komoditas Unggulan Indonesia ke Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (Oki)

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    Organization of Islamic Cooperation or OIC is an association of Islamic countries in the world which is made up of 57 countries, including Indonesia. OIC has great potential as a destination for the export market. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian exports to OIC and determinants that influence it. Competitiveness of commodities analyzed using the RCA, IIT and EPD, while the determinants of export using the gravity model analysis. The results showed that 86,7 percent from fifteen commodities that have the largest export value had RCA more than one and seven commodity have market position as rising star, but from IIT analysis showed that integration of economics still not strong enough. Factors that influence a positive and significant impact on Indonesia's commodity exports to OIC are per capita income, real exchange rate and a common language, while the negative effects are the gdp per capita difference, economic distance and tarrif

    Program Beasiswa dan Peningkatan Kinerja Dampak Kepemimpinan, Kontribusi Sosial dan Ekonomi Alumni LPDP

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    The Indonesia Endowment Funds for Education (LPDP) has an important role in supporting the government's vision to create superior human resources for advanced Indonesia through the provision of scholarship programs. However, so far, LPDP has not measured the impact (output) generated by the alumni of the scholarship recipients. This study further aims to analyze how the LPDP scholarship program can affect the improvement of leadership aspects and social and economic contributions of the recipients. This study involved a sample of 388 LPDP scholarship recipients both from within and outside the country, who were selected through the stratified random sampling method. The collected data was then analyzed using PLS-SEM (Partial Square Least-Structural Equation Modeling) analysis. The results of the study show that the scholarship program is able to positively and significantly improve aspects of the leadership, social and economic contributions of alumni who are recipients of the LPDP scholarship program. Thus, the LPDP institution can increase the output generated from its alumni by optimizing the scholarship program through evaluation of the debriefing preparation program (PK), the establishment of empowerment and talent pooling programs, as well as increasing the intensity of cooperation (synergy) between LPDP recipient alumni organizations. Keywords: alumni, scholarship,impact, LPDP, SEM PL

    Integrasi Perdagangan Dan Dinamika Ekspor Indonesia Ke Timur Tengah (Studi Kasus: Turki, Tunisia, Dan Maroko)

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    EnglishEconomic development contributes to integration and trade dynamics among countries. From now on, with global economic crisis as background setting, market diversification seems to be an appropriate strategy to minimize the hazardous impact on Indonesia's trade balance performance. It appears that the Middle East is a promising region with Turkey, Tunisia, dan Morocco as potential trade partners. An Intra Industry Trade (IIT) analysis shows that Indonesia experiences a relatively higher trade integration with Turkey compared to those with Tunisia and Morocco. In the meantime, a Constant Market Share Analysis (CMS) analysis indicates that the existing export dynamics is convergence for potential products. These products of animal and vegetable fats and oils, wood and wood products, and rubber and rubber products vary in decomposition effects in each trade partner. Combination of market intelligence and export product differentiation is considered as a comprehensive recommendation in first round stage for the Indonesia-Middle East FTA. IndonesianPerekonomian dunia yang berkembang pesat menyebabkan semakin tingginya integrasi dan dinamika perdagangan antarnegara. Dengan latar belakang krisis keuangan global, strategi diversifikasi pasar dianggap tepat untuk meminimisasi dampak yang merugikan bagi performa neraca perdagangan Indonesia. Komitmen strategi diversifikasi destinasi pasar memunculkan kawasan Timur Tengah sebagai kawasan yang potensial, meliputi Turki, Tunisia, dan Maroko. Analisis Intra Industry Trade (IIT) menunjukkan bahwa derajat integrasi perdagangan Indonesia–Turki lebih erat dibandingkan dengan Tunisia dan Maroko. Sementara itu, analisis Constant Market Share (CMS) mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat fenomena yang konvergen bagi dinamika ekspor Indonesia, dimana minyak yang berasal dari tumbuhan dan hewan, kayu dan produk kayu, serta karet dan produk karet menjadi produk yang potensial dengan efek dekomposisi yang bervariasi pada setiap mitra dagang. Kombinasi penguatan market intelligence (sisi permintaan) dan diferensiasi produk ekspor (sisi penawaran) merupakan rekomendasi komprehensif bagi tahap inisiasi FTA Indonesia-Timur Tengah


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi mahasiswa yang sering dihadapkan pada situasi yang menuntutnya untuk terampil berbicara atau presentasi salah satunya presentasi tugas akhir. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Keberhasilan Program Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan terhadap cara mempresentasikan tugas akhir. Keberhasilan Program Pengalaman Lapangan berupa kemampuan membuka pelajaran, penguasaan bahan belajar, penggunaan media, evaluasi, dan kemampuan menutup pelajaran.Hipotesis dalam penelitian terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara keberhasilan Program Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan teknik bangunan terhadap cara mempresentasikan tugas akhir. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi untuk variabel x (keberhasilan Program Pengalaman Lapangan) mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan teknik bangunan) dan teknik observasi untuk variabel y (cara mempresentasikan tugas akhir). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 106 orang, dengan pengambilan data sampel 25% dari jumlah populasi yang ada. Model kenormalan penyebaran skor dilakukan uji normalitas yaitu dengan uji Chi- Kuadrat yang hasilnya berdistribusi tidak normal, artinya asumsi asumsi untuk parametrik tidak terpenuhi sehingga dalam penelitian ini digunakan statistik non parametrik. Dari hasil perhitungan koefisien korelasi diketahui terdapat angka keterkaitan/derajat hubungan yang cukup baik, yaitu nilai koreiasi sebesar 0,5375 jika dikonsultasikan dengan uji-t, didapat nilai t = 3,373 Pada taraf kepercayaan 95% dan 99% dengan dk = n-2, ini berarti bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan (Ha) dapat diterima yaitu terdapat pengaruh yang positif antara keberhasilan Program Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan terhadap cara mempresentasikan Tugas Akhir. Koefisien Determinasi (KD) diperoleh sebesar 28,28% artinya besarnya pengaruh variabel X (Keberhasilan Program Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan) terhadap variabel Y (cara mempresentasikan tugas akhir) , sebesar 28,28% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 71% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain, didapatkan terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara keberhasilan Program Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan terhadap cara mempresentasikan tugas akhir

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together Dan Think Pair Share Dengan Quantum Learning Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Matematis Logis Siswa SMP Se-kabupaten Magelang Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning models on learning achievement viewed from the logical mathematical intelligence of the students. The learning models compared were the cooperative learning model of the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type modified with Quantum Learning and scientific approach, Think Pair Share (TPS) type with Quantum Learning and scientific approach, and classical model with scientific approach. The type of this study was a quasi-experimental research with a 3×3 factorial design. The population was all of students on grade VIII of Junior High Schools in Magelang Regency in academic year 2014/2015. The data was analyzed by using two way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. Based on the hypothesis, the results of the study could be summarized as follows. (1) NHT-Quantum Learning gave better achievement than TPS-Quantum Learning and classical model, TPS-Quantum Learning had same achievement as classical model. (2) Students with high logical mathematical intelligence gave better achievement than middle and low logical mathematical intelligence, students who had middle logical mathematical intelligence gave better achievement than those who had low logical mathematical intelligence. (3) In each category of the logical mathematical intelligence, NHT-Quantum Learning gave better achievement than TPS-Quantum Learning and classical model, TPS-Quantum Learning had same achievement as classical model. (4) In each of the learning models, the students who had high logical mathematical intelligence got better achievement than middle and low logical mathematical intelligence, the students who had middle logical mathematical intelligence got better achievement than those who had low logical mathematical intelligence

    Comparison Between Taichi Chuan and Jacobson\u27s Progressive Muscular Relaxation in Decreasing Cortisol Concentration on Pre-Hypertension Patients

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    Nowadays, the prevalence of hypertension and its concomitant risk of cardiovascular and kidney disease development is increasing as the disability evidence in the society also rises. One of the potential risk factors of prehypertension is anxiety and it has already well-known that cortisol is a marker of anxiety. There are some nonpharmacologic methods to relieve anxiety: exercise and relaxation. Taichi Chuan is a low intensity aerobic exercise that also gives a relaxation effect.This study is organised to find out the effect of Taichi Chuan (TCC) and Jacobson\u27s Progressive Muscular Relaxation (JPMR) on cortisol level in pre hypertension patients. This is a pre and post-test design study with a total of 26 pre hypertension patients included. They were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group I performed Taichi Chuan exercise, while group II performed JPMR for 18 times. The intervention frequency was 3x/week for 6 weeks with 30 minutes duration for each session. In the study, which was held in April-June 2015, there was a decrease but no significant difference of cortisol concentration in both group.The comparison between groups also did not show statistical difference. However there were significant difference noted on the blood pressure before and after intervention in both groups
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